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One New Message (A Dark Romance Novel) Page 8

  I can’t help but laugh my ass off at her.

  “Oh my God,” she yells, clutching her chest. “You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were packing or loading up your truck or something.”

  “Nope,” I say, trying to stifle my laugh.

  It’s so damn hard, though. I’ve got tears coming from my eyes, but I wipe them away as I try to compose myself.

  “Do I need to get my hand stamped to enter the kitchen or can I just come in and grab a cold soda before I leave?”

  “Oh shush,” she says, hitting me in the chest with the back of her hand. “I had no clue you were standing there. How much did you see?”

  “Enough to watch you embarrass yourself,” I laugh again.

  “You’re lucky that I love you,” she says.

  “You do?” I ask, taking a can of soda out of the fridge. “You sure about that?”

  Looking at her from the side of my eye, it doesn’t go unnoticed that she turned her head away from me and is carefully stirring her coffee like she’s performing open heart surgery. I set the can down on the table and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

  “I’ll miss you while I’m gone,” I say to her.

  “I’ll miss you too,” she says.

  “Is that the truth?”

  She cranes her neck to turn around and look at me.

  “Yes,” she answers.

  I kiss her soft cheek and nestle my nose in her hair and inhale her sweet scented lavender and vanilla shampoo; her signature scent. I’ve always loved the way it smells.

  Such a sweet smell for someone who would cheat on her husband.

  I can feel my stomach turn at the thought and release my hold on her, taking in a deep breath.

  “I love you, you know?” I say to her.

  “I know,” she replies. “I love you, too.”

  “No, Maddy. I really love you. I want you to know that and always remember it. Okay?”

  Her eyes suddenly glistened as they began to water.

  “Geez, are you going to be in a car accident or something? Why are you saying it like that?” she asks.

  “No. Well, I hope not, but I just want you to always know that I love you. I don’t think I’ve said it in a while and I just want you to know that.”

  Honestly, I don’t remember when the last time I told her that I loved her was. It could’ve been a week, a month, or six months ago. I really don’t remember, and maybe that’s why it’s so easy for her to make decisions like she has been. Maybe she doesn’t feel loved.

  “Thank you,” she says, picking up her coffee mug.

  She takes a sip and holds it in her hands.

  “I love you, too. You know?”

  “I hope so,” I lean over and kiss her forehead. “I’ll call or text you once I get down there. It should be about five and a half hours, so you should hear from me around dinner.”

  “Okay,” she follows me to the front door.

  Picking up my duffle bag, I sling it over my shoulder before I grab the doorknob.

  “Have a safe trip,” she smiles at me.

  “I will. Talk to you in a bit.”

  Once I leave the house, I drive to the grocery store and pick up all the essential items that I’ll need to stay gone for the next week. I’ve booked a room at an extended stay hotel where I’ll have a kitchen, so I don’t have to leave the room. It’ll suck to be crammed into a tiny room for the next week, but I’ll do anything for Maddy.

  Anything at all.

  After I pick up enough food for the week, I head over to the hygiene aisle to get shampoo and body wash. I’ve made the mistake of not taking those items on trips before and let me tell you, even as a guy, the hotel toiletries suck ass. The soap never quite gets you clean, and the shampoo never seems to rinse out of your hair.

  Checking out at the grocery store, I head to the extended stay and request my room key to the room in the rear of the building so that nobody I know sees my truck because that’s where it’ll stay parked for the next week. Unloading everything into my room only takes about a half an hour until I shut the door to the outside world.

  Now I’ll have the time and space that I need to research everything I want to say and do to her to show her how exciting I can be; and, of course, text her as Robbie.

  Chapter 14


  Drew really knows how to make me feel like shit. Not that he did it on purpose but man, I felt guilty as fuck.

  It’s almost like he knows something is up even though he shouldn’t have any idea. For a second, I thought that maybe he got a hold of my phone or something, but that’s ridiculous.

  We have no reason to check each other’s phones. I mean, we both know each other’s pass codes to unlock them, but we never do that. Besides, I always have mine right beside me. The only time he could possibly check my phone is at night while I’m sleeping, but I don’t think he’d do that.

  If he did, I’m sure he would’ve straight up confronted me about Robbie if he knew about him, so I don’t think he knows but it was so weird. He never tells me how much he loves me like he did today.

  Since today’s my last day off before I have to go back to work tomorrow, I decide to take a bubble bath and just soak in the tub. Last year when Drew was laid off from work for a while, he decided to remodel our bathroom. At my request, he installed a garden tub with jets—and I fully intend on using them today.

  Propping up my iPhone on the counter next to the tub, I lay out my clothes and collect my favorite towel before I get in. It’s the biggest towel I own, and it’s so soft. I call it my comfort towel—and it should be, as much as I paid for it. The only reason I bought it is because it was on sale and I had a coupon. Even then, it still cost me $40.00—practically half price— but it was so worth it.

  Sinking down into the hot bath, the steam swirls as the bubbles settle around me. The hot water flowing out of the jets against my tired body soothes my muscles and relaxes me. Letting the music from my phone carry me away, my skin begins to shrivel like a prune as the water cools, reminding me that I should probably wash off soon and get out before my water gets too cold.

  Wrapping up in my soft, luxurious towel, I climb out of the tub and instantly miss the warmth of the water. Even though it was losing heat, it still felt good. I dry off and slip into my favorite pair of pajamas; fuzzy pants with a thin, soft shirt and begin to towel dry my hair.

  There’s seriously nothing better than a nice, hot bath, comfy pajamas, a cup of coffee and a good book.

  I’m almost finished with the story that I’m reading, and then I can check this one off of my TBR. The worst part about finishing a book is that you have to pick a new one to read, and there are always so many new books. It’s not fair. What’s worse is when you get a good book hangover; you know the kind, it doesn’t leave you for weeks and the story just kind of sticks with you?

  It can be a blessing and a curse, depending on what the story was.

  My phone vibrates in my hand as I’m walking into the bedroom. Glancing down at it, I see it’s Robbie.

  R: Let me know when you get a chance to text. I wanted to talk to you about something.

  M: Go ahead. I’m free right now.

  R: Oh. Okay. I was thinking about when I come see you. Are you sure you still want to do it?

  I’m so fucking torn.

  I’ve been thinking about it ever since I offered for him to come over here. I know it’s wrong on so many levels. Here I am cheating on my husband and then doing it in our home on top of that, plus if someone sees us or what if Drew were to ever find out? Trust me, I’ve considered all of these things.

  But I want to do this.

  Part of me wants to do this because I want to have some fun, I need a sexual release and Lord knows that Drew and I haven’t exactly been very ‘active’ (in more ways than one). The other part of me wants to do this because I want to know if things are really over between us.

sp; I’ve been wondering for a while—before Robbie even came along—if I could ever leave Drew and if I did, would I enjoy being with another man? I feel so disconnected from Drew that I think I could enjoy having sex with someone else, even though I think part of me will feel guilty.

  Some women might say I’m crazy, others might totally get it, but for me, I’ll never know unless I try. What if this is the only chance I have? What if I let this opportunity pass me by? Will I always regret it? Will I resent myself or resent Drew for holding me back?

  Right now, I’d rather take my chances, see where things go and how I feel once it’s all said and done. I need to know how I truly feel about things and I’ll never know unless I do it.

  M: Yes. lol I was thinking that maybe you could come over Thursday night after I get home from work?

  R: Why Thursday? That’s kind of tough on me.

  M: Oh? How come?

  R: Because I have to work that day and I promised a family member that I’d help them with something. How about Wednesday night? Would that work?

  M: No, I can’t do Wednesday because I switched shifts with a co-worker and I have to close, so it’ll be super late by the time I get home and eat dinner.

  R: I see. You’re not making this easy. lol Could you do Friday night? What’s your schedule like that day?

  M: Yeah, I can do that. What time do you think you’ll be here?

  R: Maybe somewhere around 8:30 or 9, depending on how long it takes me to get there.

  M: I’m glad I don’t have to work Saturday morning. That'll be all right, but why so late?

  R: You do remember that we live like an hour apart, right?

  M: Yes, but I thought you normally got off work around 5 or 6 each night.

  R: I do. But I’d also like to grab a bite to eat and take a shower before I come to see you, and then I still have to drive all the way to you.

  M: Ahh, yeah, that makes sense. I’m super excited and can’t wait for you to come over.

  R: And you remember our deal, right?

  M: Oh yeah. I didn’t forget. Something sexy and have myself blindfolded for you. No problem.

  R: Good. I wouldn’t want to have to punish you and do something painful.

  Tee-hee. The thought of finally being punished has all the butterflies in my belly in a complete uproar. It’s been so long since I’ve been taken like this that I don’t know what to do with myself.

  Robbie just sent me a text message saying that he’s about to pull onto my street and I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous as I am tonight.

  Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous on my wedding day and the first time that I lost my virginity but those both pale in comparison to right now. The risk of getting caught, the thought of being forced by a stranger, and the prickles of pain and pleasure rippling across my skin remind me why I’m doing all of this tonight.

  But, not to be a complete fool, I did leave my car parked out in the driveway and left the garage open for Robbie to park in so the neighbors wouldn’t see his car and mention it to Drew. The last thing I need is for Mr. Red Jumpsuit from across the street to tell Drew that he saw I had a visitor late one night while he was out of town.

  I left work two hours early today to go to Eve’s Garden to buy some new lingerie. I wanted something different and sexy. Hopefully, Robbie approves and likes things that are black and lacy. I even picked up the riding crop that he told me to purchase for a proper spanking and placed it on the bed just like he told me to.

  The instant that I hear the garage door closing, I freeze. He’s here.

  He’s really here.

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I can feel the butterflies begin to stir as my blood pumps through my veins at a record speed. I’m almost positive that the sound of my heartbeat isn’t coming from within my body. No, I’m certain that anyone could hear it because it’s beating so loudly at about 900 miles per minute.

  From my bedroom, I can hear the kitchen door creak open, and I know he’s in the house. Another wave of excitement washes over me, and before he’s even in the room, I can feel my panties getting wet.

  Not to upset him, I slip the silk blindfold over my eyes and get into a seated position with my bottom resting atop of my heels, my hands neatly placed on my lap. He gave me very strict orders, and I’m following them to the T—I even set the lit candles on the dresser so we can play with hot wax, one of my favorites.

  His footsteps are drawing closer now, and they stop in the hall, just outside of the bedroom door.

  There’s no turning back, things will never be the same.

  I’m about to give myself—and willingly submit—to Robbie; the perfect stranger.

  Chapter 15


  Standing outside of the bedroom door, I take a deep breath to compose myself.

  This is it.

  As excited as she might be, I’m nervous as hell. I’ve built myself up and made myself sound like this dominating God to her, one that she adores. I just hope that I can carry out the role well.

  It’s a different character for me, that’s for sure.

  Normally, I’m a laid back, easy going guy. I’m usually fun and playful, not dominating and controlling.

  But if it means getting my marriage on the right track and showing Maddy that I can be the man that she wants, the man that she needs, I’ll be whatever she desires because I don’t want to lose her.

  I don’t want to ruin her night tonight, so I’ll speak in a much deeper tone than I usually carry and be mindful of my touch so that she doesn’t realize it’s me. Tonight, I’ll be the stranger who forces her and dominates her, taking what he wants.

  After this is all said and done, I’ll reveal everything to her in my own special way. But first I must prove to her that I am what she wants, and then maybe she’ll see that we can work things out and we can spice up our marriage.

  Looking at the bottom of the door, I can see that the room is completely black. Slowly, I push the door open, letting it move on its own accord and I see her in the soft glow of the candlelight.

  She’s done everything that I ordered her to do.

  For the past week that I’ve been cooped up in the hotel room, I’ve done my homework. I’ve studied tips from online message boards and forums about subs and doms, and I’ve practiced tying the rope so I can properly tie her up. Thank God I had quite a bit of it from camping trips and work in my truck because I hadn’t thought to buy any while I was out.

  For Maddy being such a strong, stubborn woman, she certainly seems to like playing the role of a submissive quite well. Even on her knees in a dimly lit room, she looks incredible. I want to fuck her right now, but I know that I can’t. It will have to wait until I’ve had some time to do some of the things to her that she wants me to do.

  It’s strange, though.

  The fact that such a strong woman like her wants to be a submissive; yet, she’s told me everything that she wants done to her. All I’m really doing is everything that she’s said she wants done, but I don’t mind. I’m not doing this for my pleasure, I’m doing it for hers.

  But I can see how I could get some pleasure from all of this.

  Stepping inside the room, I produce the rope that I’ve been practicing with all week and grip it in my hand. Spotting the riding crop on the comforter, I walk over and pick it up.

  Her breath catches in her throat as I step in front of her and she sits up a little straighter, tensing up.

  Placing the hard tip of the riding crop firmly against her jaw, I slowly trace the outline of her heart-shaped face, moving my way down her throat and to her breasts where I deliver a swat with the riding crop.

  The loud pop against her soft, delicate skin leaves behind a biting red mark, and she flinches at the pain, but I don’t let it fool me. It’s obvious that she’s enjoying every second of this and it’s only just begun.

  “Stand up,” I command her in the deepest voice I can muster.

  When she’s on her fee
t, I use the riding crop to continue tracing the outline of her sexy lingerie. She’s wearing a matching set of bra and panties. Black lace with a silky edge along the fabric and a pair of high heels that lace up around her calves.

  Very sexy.

  Hotter than anything she’s ever worn for me.

  Anger builds within me as I look at her standing before me in nothing but her see-through bra and panties with the silk ribbon from her heels cascading around her legs. The red blotch on her breast from the riding crop is a sharp contrast to her milky white skin.

  Walking behind her, I forcefully grab her wrists, bending her arms behind her back and push her over the edge of the bed, burying her face into the mattress as I begin tying her hands together. Before I walked in here tonight, I was worried that I’d be too soft on her and that I wouldn’t be able to play this role well, but now I know better. Using the anger that’s been building within me, I draw on that to carry out what needs to be done.

  She wants to be punished?


  She wants to be a pain slut?

  She’s got it.

  I start with her backside.

  Placing my left hand on her back, I hold her in place and lean over her. I drink in the appearance of her perfectly round, bubbly ass. Two globes, each of them begging to be spanked. Her black thong nestled between them with the silky T-bar peeking out at the top.

  For a second, I feel bad for what I’m about to do, but I remind myself that this is what she wants. She wants to be spanked, she wants to be tied, and she wants me to have my way with her. So I will. I’ll take what I want because she’s mine and nobody else’s. I’ll make it so that she remembers every second of this when she finally finds out that it was me all along.


  I pause to watch her reaction. She waits in anticipation, still as ever. I’m not even sure if she’s breathing because she's so still.

